Occipitalis condylus toreseinek Anderson-Montesano fele osztalyozasa:
I. Impactios tores axialis iranyu erobehatasra.
II. Koponya alapi tores, mely az occpitalis condylust is erinti.
II. Koponya alapi tores, mely az occpitalis condylust is erinti.
Stabil toresek, a tectorialis membran es az ellenoldali szalag nem erintett.
III. Ez a leggyakoribb, un avulsios tipus, ami leggyakrabban egyoldali es a condylus infero-medialis reszet erinti. (ld kepek). Ez lehet instabil tores is.
Occipital condyle fractures are important because they may be associated with instability of the occipitoatlantoaxial joint complex. The integrity of this complex articulation is dependent on a number of supporting ligaments, of which the tectorial membrane and bilateral alar ligaments are the most important. The tectorial membrane is a broad continuation of the posterior longitudinal ligament and is attached between the posterior body of C2 and the basiocciput *. Its main role is to limit extension at the occipitoatlantal joints. The bilateral alar ligaments are inelastic fan-shaped structures that extend from the posterolateral odontoid process to the inferomedial occipital condyles and lateral masses of C1 *. Bilateral alar ligaments limit lateral tilt and rotation in tandem. Fractures at the insertions of these ligaments are equivalent to intrinsic disruptions; occipital condyle fractures may therefore lead to instability of the craniocervical junction.