Radiodolog blog
Bosniak III Visualized by Bubbles – CEUS
Simple renal cyst on conventional US even after appropriate use of knobologyMicrovascular imaging (MVI) reveals the vascularity of the capsuleCEUS proved the complexity (Bosniak III) of the renal cyst by demonstarting the internal vascularity
Plantar fibroma
There is a 15x15x4 mm, hypoechoic, fusiform lesion arising from the plantar fascia in the medial aspect of the arch of the right foot in keeping with a typical plantar fibroma. Minor vascularity is also detected.Much smaller, but...
Morton’s neuroma
There is a small, protruding, raindrop-shaped hypoechoic mass between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal heads for lateral compression measuring 6 mm in transverse diameter in keeping with a typical Morton's neuroma. There is no adjacent fluid collection or significant soft...
Unusual extension of pancreatic pseudocyst into the posterior pararenal space
original image: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.netPancreatitis with central gland necrosis helps understanding the retroperitoneal anatomy. Fascias delineating the anterior and posterior pararenal spaces are highlighted.original...
Fracture of the superior horn of thyroid cartilage
Car accident. #CT #FOAMrad
Intramuscular lipoma
Well defined lipoma between pectoral muscles #ultrasound #radiology #FOAMrad
Accessory (tracheal) bronchus
Tracheal (accessory bronchus) seen on the right on coronal MinIP reconstruction. #CT #FOAMrad #radiology
Transient hepatic intensity defect (THID) caused by liver metastasis
T1w C+ arterial and portal venousT1w and T2wRecurrent RCC with liver metastasis. The left liver lobe is disproportionately enlarged due to previous right lobectomy. Two intrahepatic mets are noted. The one in the midline is less obvious on the above images, but the...
TFC central perforation
small central perforation of the articular disc of TFCC) with some fluid in the DRUJ
Golden S sign
Shortness of breath since respiratory infection
Rectal Smuggler
Assaulted.Drunk as a skunk.Incidental finding:
Gluteus medius tendinopathy
Pain in the lateral aspect of the left hip.Swollen distal gluteus medius tendon is seen on the left with increased signal on T1w STIR with adjacent oedema in keeping with insertional tendinopathy.
A létszám 24 főben maximalizált a kiscsoportos betegvizsgálat miatt. Előjelentkezést tudunk fogadni, és az érdeklődés alapján döntünk a tanfolyam indításának idejéről.
A tanfolyam díja 75.000 Ft, mely magában foglalja a pénteki ebéd, a szombati vacsora és a kávészünetek fogyasztásának a díját is.