Radiodolog blog
Plantar fasciitis
Prominent thickening and high signal change of the medial aspect of the calcaneal attachment of the plantar fascia is noted with some soft tissue oedema and subtle adjacent bone marrow oedema in keeping with plantar fasciitis.
Displaced complex lateral meniscus tear
Clinical History : Giving way/pain/clicking/locking of the left knee. Slight valgus deformity. Sharp pain posteriorly. Loose body? Meniscal lesion?Ghost meniscus sign of the body and the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus can be noted with a 12 mm loose body in the...
Pharyngeal abscess
Clinical indication: 14 month old. Superficial injury to left tonsil following a fall. Found on floor with a wooden spoon in the hand. 48 hours of worsening pain, difficulty swallowing and drooling. Rule out posterior pharyngeal abscess. Head is bended forward...
Tendinosis of flexor carpi radialis muscle
Gross swelling and hypoechoic, heterogeneous appearance of the tendon of flexor carpi radialis (FCR)muscle can be noted at the site of the insertion (at least 3 times more swollen than the contralateral side) in keeping with chronic tendinosis. Hypervascular...
Hill-Sachs lesion
There is a small, crater-like cortical depression in the posterolateral aspect of the humeral articular surface with adjacent bone marrow oedema in keeping with Hill-Sachs lesion.T2 FatSat Cor
Longitudinal meniscal tears and torn ACL following twisting injury
25 years old male. Twisting injury of the right knee.PD FatSat Axi & Sag: Decreased steepness, high signal and loss of continuity of ACL fibers in keeping with high grade tear.PD FatSat Sag: non-displaced longitudinal posterior horn tear of the lateral meniscus...
Subacromial space narrowing
PD FatSat Sag:There is narrowing of the subacromial space caused by anterior sloping of the type II acromion and the malalignment of the acromioclavicular joint without evidence of supraspinatous tear or subacromial bursitis. T1w Cor
Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease
PD FatSat - T2w - T1w SagThe signal alteration is seen in the lower pole of the patella and the adjacent tendon as well (PD, T2).Supposed to be the result of a chronic traction injury of the immature osteotendinous junction due to repetitive microtrauma/overuse....
Rupture of the rectus femoris muscle
panorama view. Complete rupture of the rectus femoris muscle following sport injury
Plantar fibroma
Plantar aspect of left foot shows loculated, hypoechoic and well defined lump along the line of plantar fascia in keppeing with plantar fibroma.The borders of the plantar fascia are highlighted.
Complicated chronic vertebral compression fracture
Irregular, wide horizontal fracture can be noted through the previously compressed T12 vertebral body with marked sclerosis around the fracture line in keeping with pseudo-articulation (it explains the symptoms). The appearance is congruent with Andersson lesion in...
Andersson lesion in ankylosing spondylitis
Signs of ankylosing spondylitis and L4/L5 irregular, sclerotic endplate and facet joint changes are seen.Minor anterior slipping of L5 vertebral body is also detected due to instability. Note the gross lower lumbar facet osteoarthritis.T1w, T2w, T2w STIR Sag: The...
A létszám 24 főben maximalizált a kiscsoportos betegvizsgálat miatt. Előjelentkezést tudunk fogadni, és az érdeklődés alapján döntünk a tanfolyam indításának idejéről.
A tanfolyam díja 75.000 Ft, mely magában foglalja a pénteki ebéd, a szombati vacsora és a kávészünetek fogyasztásának a díját is.