Szerző: admin | júl 10, 2014 | HRCT, Oncohaematology, Pneumonia
right upper lobe mass-like consolidation with a surrounding ground-glass opacity halothe halo sign refers to the early stage of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis23077
Szerző: admin | aug 15, 2012 | HRCT, Pneumonia
Courtesy of Omar GiyabLab: elevated eosinophil countSymptoms: recurrent pulmonary infections treated with antibiotics, dyspnoe, weight lossaffects usually the upper lobes predominantlyresidual band-like opacity parallel to pleural surfacepredominantly peripheral...
Szerző: admin | jan 20, 2012 | HRCT, Paranasal sinuses, Pneumonia
this case belongs to: Dr. Ferencz Judit ICS with situs inversus = Kartagener syndromeChronic upper and lower respiratory tract disease resulting from ineffective mucociliary clearancemucosal thickeningpansinusitisaffected middle lobe (bronchial wall...
Szerző: admin | máj 27, 2010 | Pneumonia
alveolo-interstitialis erintettseg, ketoldali tejuveg-homaly a vekony szeleteken jol latszik az interlobularis septumok megvastagodasa